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Used in pathways:

Orlando- the ending by Bella Wing-Davey,

the issue of adapting a book and bringing it into the present- the decision to have a modern ending- and the process of creating a modern ending..seeing SP process of realising this

Distillation of Adaption by Daniel Fisher,

A list of documents processing the reduction of the novel into key scenes in order to create the film

Orlando- A film by Sally Potter based on the novel by Virginia Woolf by Lidia Buonaiuto,

Reflect upon and illustrate the process of adapting Virginia Woolf's 1928 novel, Orlando, to film.

Orlando by Kiran Chohan,

Sally Potter's approach to gender in her adaptation

Orlando by Meredith Nadeau,

Key scenes and themes in Orlando by Rebecca Reeves,

Orlando and intertextuality by Sam O'Sullivan,

Exploring the intertextual nature of Sally Potter\'s Orlando

Orlando by Faiqa Ahmed-Khan,

Intertextuality in Orlando

Intertextual Nature of Orlando by Meredith Veach,

a look into the production design and the obvious themes of gender vs identity and the need to conform to society.

ORLANDO: 1928 - 1992 by Patrick Strain,

in my pathway i will be looking at the intertexuality between Virginia Woolf's 1928 novel and Sally Potter's 1992 flm Adaptation.

Pathway by Ruta Buciunaite,

Orlando - Initial Ideas by Sarah Miles,

Voyeurism and the Camera\'s Point of View by Heather Wakeman, Student

My pathway contains assets that explore the point of view of the camera and the placement of the camera as a voyeur. It evolved from a note that Sally Potter wrote on her shooting script: "The camera as a voyeur--behind something." From this note, I decided to find other assets that highlight a voyeuristic placement of the camera and thus the audience. My assets range from the camera positioning in intimate scene to Potter describing her use of character address in her director's commentary.

Adapting Orlando by Alejandro Fernandez Moreno, Student

The Literary Process of Adaptation by Emma Lieberman, Student

In a novel-to-film adaptation, one of the most interesting things to do is look at the source novel and see how it differs from the screenplay. Film is a visual medium, making it very different from the literary medium of the novel, but the adapted screenplay is like the bridge between the two, and can show the most striking resemblances and differences between the two versions of the story.

Adapting Orlando through the words of Sally Potter by Gaia Porcu, Student

My Default Pathway by Karolina Obrecka, Student

Description A4 pages, handwritten, Paper, Pre-draft handwritten notes on key scenes
Asset ID SPA0000090
Date 24/10/1988