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Used in pathways:

Orlando- A film by Sally Potter based on the novel by Virginia Woolf by Lidia Buonaiuto,

Reflect upon and illustrate the process of adapting Virginia Woolf's 1928 novel, Orlando, to film.

orlando intertextuality by Emily Andrews,

Creating your own online ‘pathway’, use the SP-ARK multi-media archive to reflect upon and illustrate the intertextual nature of Orlando (1928 and 1992).

Gender & Identity - Intertextuality in Orlando by William Innes,

An exploration of intertextuality in Orlando through themes of gender and identity. I have chosen this approach as the most obvious, yet complex and interesting theme in Sally Potter's and Virginia Woolf's work. Same person/Same story. No difference. Just a different sex/Just a different medium.

sounds like Orlando by Louise Fryer, Student

sound effects and music

Singing Angel - Final Scene by Julie Solovyeva, Student

My Default Pathway by Marina Fuser, Student

My Default Pathway by Emily Eyre, Student

Crisp's pathway through gender by Karl McCool, Student

Description 1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 65 - Angel (Jimmy Somerville) in the film
Asset ID SPA0000444
Date 1992
Scene Number 85