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Used in pathways:

Orlando by Kiran Chohan,

Sally Potter's approach to gender in her adaptation

From Vita to Tilda by Andrew White,

Six steps of adaptation

Pathway 2: star intertextuality by Emily Andrews,

The intertextuality of stars in Sally Potter's 'Orlando'. Explore how an actor's parcipitationand performance in a film creates new meaning.

Sally Potter\'s pathway of visual grammer by Benjamin Rider,

A collection of what I believe constructs Sally Potter's filmic language, her artistic imagining and cultural embedding through directorial choices.

Description 1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
Asset ID SPA0000141
Date 1988