Pathway: Orlando is a woman? by Easmanie Michel
The stillness and restrictions that happen cinematically upon Orlando's gender transformation.
cornfield shot through hand held camera by Orlando's daughter
No longer trapped by destiny. The accident of birth. The possibilities in the present.
Page 5 of general notes on Orlando, black printed text on A4 paper
The female consciousness is used throughout the film and this seems to point to femininity and not gender as a source of the continuous power struggles.
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
The epic feel of the 1st part of the film is not present in the 2nd half when the female Orlando is force to fight against society.
A4 pages, text document with handwritten notes, Paper, Notes on Khiva and Islam, text
Orlando shows her humanity upon declaring "This is a man dying." After this the sex change happens in the movie. Is this to say his female consciousness takes over. To be a female is to be weak? He/She is unable to take the pressures of war.
close up of Orlando being dressed by servants, she observes herself in mirror.
The tightening of the corset is symbolic of the right that Orlando will lose as a woman.
close up of Orlando's face as she sees her reflection in mirror
Same person different sex.
A4 pages, handwritten, Paper, Pre-draft handwritten notes on key scenes
These notes show Potter struggle with the pacing of the two parts of the film.
close up of Orlando's face talking to Sasha on Russian ship.
"You're mine."
Shot from Orlando's daughter's point of view through video camera, medium shot of Orlando sitting against the oak tree
The optimistic Potter and what a site like SP-ARK giving the public access to the filmmaking process.
Orlando seeing herself nude in the mirror as a woman, side profile
The female body as an object. This functions as a harbinger for what Orlando will have to overcome.