Pathway: Searching for Clarify Through Mazes by Simone Spira
Orlando is searching for the light at the end of the maze throughout the entire movie; the maze parallels to her life as she's constantly struggling with love, gender, sexuality, etc. However, at the end of the movie, after she's moved through time, she finds clarity with the angel who reveals herself between two branches, as if Orlando is finally emerging out the maze and into the light.
Shot from Orlando's daughter's point of view through video camera, shot of Herald appearing from behind tree foliage
In the last scene, the camera runs in between the long grass, as if the camera is physically in a maze, to greet Orlando sitting by the tree. Orlando then looks up, and in the sky an angel emerges between two large tree branches.Orlando's quest for clarity becomes clear as the angel perches beyond the two branches framing her, marking Orlando's exit from the maze.
A4 computer paper with handwritten notes, Paper, Final draft shooting schedule
The production sheet here highlights the fact that several times during two shooting days (April 9-10, 1992), scenes were titled "MAZE DAY," highlighting this important aspect of the film.
First shot of Orlando wearing Victorian costume moving through the maze
This first shot of Orlando wearing Victorian costume moving through the maze dramatically shows her trying to make sense of her life and attain clarify; however, she still remains stuck in the maze.
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Slides, Photographic Slides of Hatfield House location recces, interior and exterior
Even when Orlando goes inside, as seen in this image of Hatfield House, she still remains in a type of maze paralleling her life. The long hallway path does not offer an exit, but she will still continue to seek one.
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Slides, Photographic Slides of Hatfield House location recces, interior and exterior
Outside the Hatfield House, the gardens physically mirror a mini maze. While Orlando may not be running through one on screen, there are always hints of that struggle in the background.
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Slides, Photographic Slides of Hatfield House location recces, interior and exterior
This is the physical maze Orlando runs through upon entering the Victorian era.
Orlando running through maze, turning screen left
Orlando once again runs through the maze, in a different direction than before, but still does not attain the proper clarify, as emphasized by her physical struggle.