1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Behind the Scenes Images - Tilda Swinton and Sally Potter on location for scene 53
Black and white A4 Text Document, Digital, Finished screenplay as published by Faber and Faber
Stage notes on the ways Orlando's new feminine clothing restricts her freedom and movement - can see how Potter visually displays the ways in which gender conforms to societal norms and manifests itself physically
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 48 - (Tilda Swinton) in the film
constricting women's clothing
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 4 - 's Father (John Bott), Queen Elizabeth I (Quentin Crisp) and 's Mother (Elaine Banham) in the film
Original Novel, End of preface page 8 left, Chapter 1 beginning page 9 right, annotated underlines and yellow hightlight
Opening that establishes Orlando as male
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
notes on the role of costume in determining the role each gender performs in society - costumes reflect the restrictions Orlando faces with each transition in sex and time.
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 4 - Queen Elizabeth I (Quentin Crisp) in the film
Quentin Crisp as Queen Elizabeth I - further complicates traditional notions of gender and calls in to question the performative nature of gender.
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House