Pathway: Intertextuality and gender in Orlando by Rachel Clarkstone

Original Novel, Page 24, yellow side highlight, yellow bookmark, page 25, white bookmark "Sasha", blue bookmark, "O first sees Sasha", side highlight

First view of Sasha.

Original Novel, Page 156, green side lines, white bookmark "rather see…", blue bookmark, Orlando as…", page 157, green annotation and side line and box around text, yellow bookmark, white bookmark

Original Novel, Page 160, green and black side lines, yellow bookmark, page 161, blue bookmark "man/woman", black side line

Close up shot of Orlando discussing war and freedom with Shelmerdine

Orlando and Shelmerdine discuss what it take to be a 'real man' or a 'real woman'.

1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 58 - (Tilda Swinton) and Shelmerdine (Billy Zane) in the film

Orlando's relationship as a woman, with Shelmerdine.

A4 pages, Paper, Typed notes on Virginia Woolf's ideas about the future for women

Sally Potter:
"It is essential, to be true to Virginia Woolf, that Orlando at least attempts to find her own voice, independently of anything else or anyone else, and irrespective of whether she is a success or failure."
"...endings are also beginnings" --> literal with end of life as a man and beginning of life as a woman
" is difficult for both men and women." --> Orlando has the same struggles as both genders, 'losing herself with love' with both Sasha and Shelmerdine.

A4 pages, Paper, Typed notes on Virginia Woolf's ideas about the future for women

Virginia Woolf:
"the opportunity will come and the dead poet who was Shakespeare's sister will put on the body which she has so often laid down."
"...when she is born again she shall find it possible to live and write her poetry..."
--> historical limitation of women's vision, lack of opportunity, education and expectation...

Writing the novel in the early 1920's, the role of gender played a very different part in society. This quote from Woolf shows that she hopes one day, women will, "...find it possible to live and write her poetry..." --> Potter, making the film in the early 1990's is able to show this struggle and how the role of the female develops throughout the years.

close up of Orlando splashing water from bowl onto face

The transformation of Orlando from man to woman --> washing away to reveal NEW person/new gender.

overhead shot of Orlando discarding wig

The transformation of Orlando from man to woman --> wig comes off/shedding male outer layer

1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 14 - (Tilda Swinton) and Sasha (Charlotte Valandrey) in the film

Orlando's relationship as a man, with Sasha.

Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper, Revised draft of screenplay

"They say that Russian women smear themselves with tallow in winter to keep warm."
"And grow beards as they grow older."

In the film, Potter choses this line of dialogue to be delivered by the Earl of Moray instead of Lady Euphrosyne, whom Orlando is engaged to.

Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper, Revised draft of screenplay

"Who is this person that skates like a boy and curtseys like a lady?"